The following are my speaking engagements for the first half of 2016 on various aspects of fintech, smart contracts, blockchains, and Bitcoin:
- Jan. 10: American Association of Law Schools 110th Annual Meeting: Section on Economic Globalization and Governance, The Future of Global Finance: A Roundtable, New York City.
- Jan. 22: Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy, 12th Annual Symposium, The Enduring Legacy of Henry G. Manne, Economic Aspects of Required Disclosure Under Federal Securities Laws, George Mason University Law School, Arlington, Virginia.
- Jan. 28: BNY Mellon Blockchain Day, BNY Mellon Jersey City Innovation Center, Jersey City, New Jersey.
- Feb. 10: Yale Law School, Federalist Society Young Scholars Workshop, Bitcoin and Smart Contracts: Law and Regulation, New Haven, Connecticut.
- Feb. 18: Trading and Technology Summit, Is Blockchain the Beginning of a Long Term Revolution in Capital Markets?, San Francisco, California.
- Feb. 24: Harvard University, Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Shared Ledgers and Financial Law Roundtable: Settlement Finality, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- March 2: Global Association of Risk Professionals, 17th Annual Risk Management Convention, Keynote Panel: Bitcoin, Blockchain, and the Future, New York City.
- April 13: American Conference Institute, Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology: Innovation, Operation and Legal & Regulatory Implications, Self-Executing “Smart” Contracts on the Blockchain, New York City.
- April 26: New York Law School, Faculty Workshop, Smart Contracts and the Automated Enterprise, New York City.
- June: Cambridge University, Smart Contracts and the Automated Enterprise, TBA, Cambridge, England.
Please let me know if you are going to be at any of the events or would like to discuss further.